What does it mean to be “A God Amongst Men”?

So several years ago, I had aspirations of being a “lifestyle blogger” because I truly appreciate the finer things of life i.e. cars, fashion, traveling, etc and foolishly thought theses were measuring sticks for success but in the process of living my own life, I came to some momentous moments that showed me that life in 2019 is everything opposite of the glitz and glamor and more about enduring and fighting to live. Vox writes, The suicide rate is the highest it’s been in decades, the latest warning sign of a worsening public health issue in America that needs far more attention. I’ve found myself dealing with people close to attempting suicide and/or expressing their lack of wanting to live anymore. For some of us, we can’t have the suicide thoughts because your living for those that have a hard time living for themselves. Life in 2019 is tough on everyone and painstakingly, our imaginations have/will beautifully create these fantasies within the reality of your life as if almost this protective mechanism to coupe with the hardships we have to deal with daily. When I started this, I was only dealing with the surface layer of motivation and self-development which truly isn’t enough. So much attention is given to appearing happy in our society but inwardly everyone is dying slow death with a fake smile. Fast forwarding to now, I’ve come to the realization, I could never find true happiness until I looked deep into myself and started healing my own spiritual cuts and bruises from my youth until this day and truly recognized my own pain, hurts, loses, failures and etc with all honesty. And let me let you in on a little secret, the process cause more pain before it gets better. But that’s the twisted beautiful tragedy we call life. And this is what being “A God Amongst Men” is all about. It’s time for us men and women to rise above the struggles and weakens that come with being in this flesh and ascending about the problems. Not making life look easy or perfect all the time but finding perfection in your imprecation.


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